Our participation as former members of the National Competition Authority and consultants during the process of creating the legal framework in telecommunications, distinguishes us from other firms in the area. SBS has the most qualified professionals to deal with regulatory matters, as well as merger or acquisition operations in Costa Rica.

Portfolio of services:
Anti-monopoly law: competing preventive audit program
Design of prevention programs for anti-competitive practices that includes: the review of business practices (supplier policies, promotional campaigns, criteria for setting prices, among others) and support in the implementation of new business strategies that may lead to an economic sanction (illicit agreements, dumping, tied sales, discriminatory practices, narrowing margins, exclusivities, cross subsidies, among others). The team on competition law is made up of, among others, two former Presidents of the Competition Authority (COPROCOM) and PhDs in law and economics respectively; what makes SBS the best option in the elaboration of preventive policies and the defense of cases of competition law.

Advice for the correct implementation of telecommunications companies
It includes the process of the enabling title for the operation of the telecommunications company in Costa Rica; development of the legal agenda of a telecommunications company in compliance with sectoral regulations; accompaniment in the negotiation processes for the formalization of access and interconnection agreements; handling of invoice disputes and traffic settlement, legal advice in the development of campaigns and promotional packages (regulations, communications, commercial legends, minutes, and others); elaboration of procedure manuals for the attention of consultations and treatment of the claims of the service users; and supervision of trade policies to ensure their adherence to national regulations.

Direction of litigation cases of competition and/or telecommunications
SBS conducts risk analysis and monitoring in the context of preliminary investigations, ordered by the competition authority; as well as the defense in sanctioning administrative proceedings, before COPROCOM or SUTEL, depending on the case or judicial, before the Administrative Contentious Court, for the commission of possible monopolistic practices. Likewise, SBS is in the best capacity to direct administrative or judicial litigation in telecommunications regulation matters. Our team works alongside former members of COPROCOM and/or consultants in charge of drafting the General Telecommunications Law, allowing comprehensive management of the processes.

Merger and acquisition operations in the telecommunications market
Advice and management of merger, acquisition or concentration operations between operators or providers in the telecommunications market. The SBS team carries out the due diligence and accompanies the Client until the merger or acquisition operation is complete, also assuming the respective prior authorization before the Telecommunications Superintendence.

Technical training
Our firm offers training and updating services at Management levels and legal, planning and marketing departments in terms of good practices regarding competition rules and/or regulations in the field of telecommunications. Our partners and advisers have participated in recognized national and international forums on competition and telecommunications regulation issues.

Incorporate your local company in Costa Rica
Online and from anywhere in the world, we can help you incorporate your local company in Costa Rica. By submitting this form, our team will be contacting you to provide to you all needed information.